Dragon age inquisition official patch location
Dragon age inquisition official patch location

“Spirit Blade” no longer applies a damage bonus in both play modes. “Spirit Blade” now costs more and does less damage to Barriers and Guard in multiplayer. This can be done in the inventory screen or while you are purchasing packs.

  • Added the ability to salvage multiple items at the same time in multiplayer.
  • Added some thrones in Skyhold for players who own DA1 and/or DA2.
  • Fix for Dragon’s Bane Trophy to unlock after killing any 10 High Dragons.
  • Added trophies for the upcoming “Jaws of Hakkon” DLC.
  • Fix for Dragon’s Bane Achievement to unlock after killing any 10 High Dragons.
  • Fixed some issues which could cause flickering when alt-tabbing while running the game under SLI / Crossfire.
  • Fixed an issue which would place the AOE targetting reticule to be placed in odd locations when using the mouse look toggle feature.
  • Fixed an issue which could result in fog looking wrong when running SLI/Crossfire configurations.
  • dragon age inquisition official patch location dragon age inquisition official patch location

    This feature can be accessed via the key-binding screen. Added new feature that allows users to sheathe and unsheathe their weapons.Ecco il change log ufficiale in inglese con tutte le modifiche apportate. Insieme ai DLC un grosso aggiornamento che va a sistemare diversi bug e migliora la stabilità, insieme a molte altre piccole cose.

    Dragon age inquisition official patch location